They laughed when we said a part-time teller could transform to be as valuable
and powerful as their top commercial lender within 9 months.
Then she pulled in $20 million on 5 deals in 3 months.
They’re not laughing anymore.
One CEO calls his Accredited Banking Professionals his “Super Bankers.”
"I can't afford to let any of my team members call on my best customers or prospects without at least one ABP on the call. Otherwise, they come back and either have lost the deal or they have to match rate."
—C. Floyd, President & CEO
Dream First Bank
First National Bank of Syracuse
#2 on 2016 SNL Top 100 under $1 Billion
Best Banks in America™ Hall of Fame Inductee, 2022
Skeptical? Check out the story below.
Incidentally, one of them was promoted to the head of SBA lending and brought in
$37 million in her first year and the other was promoted a few years later to President of Retail and brought in a $14 million checking account while showing an ABP candidate how to make a call.
The candidate said, “Oh my goodness, you did everything they teach you in the course.” The president said, “Of course…it always works.”

— C. Holland, Chief Executive Officer,
Farmers State Bank of Alto Pass
2022 Extraordinary Bank of the Year™ Award Winner
“When we enrolled our Senior VP of Electronic Banking and a VP/Branch Manager in the Accredited Banking Professional™ Program, we knew it would be good, but we had no idea how good. In just 60 days, they developed an action plan . . . to target large, low-cost deposit accounts. They used a team-selling approach … and landed $14 million in new deposits with 5 new accounts! They closed out of the 6 deals they called on. To say the program ‘paid off’ would be a gross understatement.“
Business just isn’t walking in the door anymore. Your bank’s survival depends on the
ability of your people (who have spent a career waiting for business to come to them)
to go out and get it.

And with challenging economic times,
it’s no longer about growth—it is about
the profit in each deal while only prospecting A+ quality credits.
But most of them are paid socializers—trying to use their
good looks and charm to get deals.
They have no idea there is a system that actually works 90% of the time on people who
weren’t even looking to switch banks. It’s not their fault. Who knew?
So get honest before it is too late.

Do your people really have the skills
and confidence to steal away
sophisticated, high-net-worth
prospects from your competitors
while commanding premium pricing above what they are paying the other bank?
Do they have the skills and confidence to land large accounts?

That strategy just isn’t working any more…
In fact, the national research shows 90% of the lenders brought in through headhunters
are either underperforming or gone within 12 months.

— C. Floyd, President & CEO,
First National Bank of Syracuse
#2 on 2016 SNL Top 100 under $1 Billion
Best Banks in America™ Hall of Fame Inductee, 2022
“I have been so impressed with how our Accredited Banking Professionals have done with the sales process. They have quickly become nearly as proficient as our best commercial lenders. Their confidence is through the roof, and they are doing excellently.“
The Accredited Banking Professional™ Certification Program—the most desired career advancement opportunity in banking today—is a 10-month program offered by the Institute for Extraordinary Banking™ that is designed to help ambitious bankers become revered for their results within the first two years of applying this system.
Nothing helps banks grow non-interest bearing
deposits and grow loans and premium pricing faster.

Tried…but failed?
“I’ve never heard of a bank say that they hired sales trainers and had a good result,” confessed a bank CEO at wit’s end of what to do.
When your bank tried sales training that didn’t work, can you really afford to give up?
The Accredited Banking Professional™ Program is the only program designed to grow loans, deposits, and full relationships to transform the profit structure of a bank within a few short years.

Do you deserve 100 basis points more…
every time?
ABPs typically command at least 100 basis points more on loans and often have
cross sales of over 10 while they enjoy a 90% close rate on deals THEY initiate
EVEN though the prospect told them they “love their current bank.”
That takes skill.
The real question is…can your bank afford not to deploy the process proven
in hundreds of the elite, results-oriented banks in America to take them
and keep them in top 5% of peers?

—K. Knudsen, Chief Executive Officer
Security Bank
Past Chair, Graduate School of Banking, Colorado
“We closed 14 new Top 100 relationships using the ABP process last year. The REAL story is that those 14 deals accounted for 10% of our new revenue. Even better, those deals alone accounted for 25% of our profit last year.
How can any bank afford not to do this?”